Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's always about marketing

I was with some friends on Friday night. We talked about everything under the sun.

A brief comment inspired this post. We began talking about a business where my friend had made 4 major purchases. He said that the owner of the business will barely give anyone the time of day when he is in the store.

We are talking about a business who does a considerable amount of advertising. Remember advertising can only do so much - you have to walk the walk - not just talk the talk. I believe that the owner should talk to every customer that he sees, but he should at least be smart enough to know his top customers.

This week, take some time to see how you might be hurting your marketing. Because it's always about marketing.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you know the answer?

How many more customers do you need to hit your goal?

In order to answer that question, you need to know the answer to two questions.

1. What is your goal?
2. How many customers are you serving everyday?

There are two types of people reading this right now.

1. The people who know the answer and thinks this is a pretty simple entry.
2. Those who are thinking, I really should know that?

If you want your business to grow, answer these questions and then start working to get from point A to point B. Good Luck!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

You are always marketing!

Realtors will tell you that curb appeal is a huge part of selling a home. What kind of curb appeal does your business offer to your customers? If you can't keep the weeds and grass mowed in your own business, how do you expect a customer to believe that you can help them?

The same concept is true with your company vehicles. It is important to make sure that they are saying what you want communicated to the public.

Who is answering the phone? More and more companies are going to automation. It is more efficient and to that degree I understand. However, is the automation easy for the caller to work through? Nothing will replace a warm voice with a caring spirit answering the phone in your business. Your customers appreciate it.

On the reverse side, there are those of us who should not be answering the phones on a regularly basis. If you have the wrong person answering the phones, your business will suffer.

These are simple reminders, but sometimes it is the small simple stuff that turns into monsters. Think about how your business is doing in these areas. Have a great week.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Don't be afraid to say what your customers are thinking!

General Motors has had a tough few years. Have you seen the TV commercial where their CEO talks about paying back the government loan? He admits in that commercial that he knows that some Americans were skeptical of the loan and he goes further and says that he understands.

Burger King, who has a history of all over the road marketing, has a similar ad where the "king" is breaking into McDonald's Headquarters to get their blueprint for their sausage biscuit. The announcer says something to the effect of, original no - but it tastes great.

The trainer Chris Lytle introduced me to the saying - truth is better than creativity. Straight Forward honesty is refreshing in advertising...try it. Try these steps.

1. Write your commercial as if you were writing to your best friend. Be direct, clear and concise.
2. Stop worrying about what you know -- we don't know what you know, tell us all the reason why you do things.
3. Then let a few of your close customers read it and pay close attention to their reaction.

You will probably be surprised at what they didn't know about your business and they are your best customers. Then get to work putting that information into your advertising. Good Luck.