Sunday, June 27, 2010

Basics - Basics - Basics

Secret Shoppers do a pretty good job of helping you see your business from a different point of view. This week, just have a friend shop your store and report back to you.

Remember, it doesn't matter what you think of your business -- it is what your customers think. Find out.

Have a great week.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Are your commercials up to date?

Today is the first day of summer.

Are your commercials talking about the right thing?

Remember, you need to make sure that your commercials (audio and print) are timely and tied together. If you are promoting something in print, you should be promoting the same thing in broadcast.

What better time than the first day of summer to double check your commercials.

Have a great day.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Word of mouth

How is your word of mouth advertising?

When I talk to people about advertising, they like to tell me that word of mouth is their best form of advertising. Here is what I tell them.

1. If your word of mouth is not good -- no form of advertising will really help you. Remember, advertising is about telling your story. If you don't have a good story, it is hard for any medium to help you.

2. Word of mouth advertising is slow. You have no control over the speed or accuracy of word of mouth. I can assure you of this, bad word of mouth will be faster than good word of mouth.

So this week, work hard on building your story so all your advertising can improve. Have a great week.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do you have company coming?

We are expecting some company this week. So this weekend, we were doing a few of the maintenance chores. You know, the kind you know you should do, but really never get around to it, unless company is coming.

So what marketing "chores" do you need to do that you have been putting off?

A new training program so your employees provide better service.

Talk to your graphic designer about updating your logo.

Perhaps it is a new commission plan for your sales team.

Believe it or not, that is all a part of your marketing plan. Better hurry, you know how company just sometimes shows up.

By the way -- we are offering a lunch and learns for web advertisers at Hometown Radio. It's every Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30. We will buy lunch and get you in an hour. Call (417) 334-6003 Have you seen our new site yet?